Nutritious diet is always necessary to keep the body fit and healthy. The name of fruits and vegetables always comes first in this category. If we talk about vegetables, the list of nutritious vegetables is countless.
Broccoli is one of these vegetables that looks like cauliflower and has a wide range of benefits. The properties of broccoli make it beneficial for health. So, in this article, we are going to discuss about the incredible benefits of eating broccoli in detail.
Here is information related to what is broccoli, its nutrition, benefits and side effects (due to excess intake). Also, the method of making broccoli has also been shared, so to know them, read the article till the end.
What is Broccoli?
Broccoli is a delicious vegetable whose demand is increasing day by day. It belongs to the dark green vegetable family, including cabbage and cauliflower.
Broccoli is eaten as salads, frying, curries and soups etc. Apart from this, it is available around the year in the market. The flowers and stalks are used for eating, while its leaves are bitter in taste.
This vegetable is of cauliflower species and is also very similar in appearance to cauliflower. However, its taste differs from cauliflower. Broccoli’s scientific name is Brassica oleracea Var (Brassica oleracea var. Italica).
It contains enough nutrients like vitamins A, vitamin C, vitamin K, fiber, calcium, folic acid, potassium and magnesium which are really very beneficial for your health.
Apart from this, it also contains phytochemicals and antioxidants that help in fighting against disease and body infections.
Broccoli contains gastroprotective (preventing the formation of gastric acid secretion), antioxidants, anticancer (protecting against cancer), antimicrobial (protecting the body from micro-organisms), hepatoprotective (protecting the liver from damage), anti-obese (prevention of obesity), anti-diabetes (protection from diabetes), cardioprotective and anti-inflammatory (reducing inflammation) properties. These properties can prove beneficial in protecting the body from many serious diseases.
Why is Broccoli Good for Your Health?
Broccoli contains protein, zinc, calcium, iron, selenium, vitamin-A, vitamin C as well as polyphenols such as quercetin, glucosides and many other healthful nutrients, which are beneficial for health.
These nutrients present in broccoli can help in protecting the person from heart disease, digestive problems, obesity problem, diabetes problem along with others.
Types of Broccoli:
There are many types of broccoli available worldwide, but here we are giving information about some main types of broccoli to our readers. So the list of main types of broccoli is shared below:
- Calabrese Broccoli: This species of broccoli is named after the famous Italian city of Calabria. Its upper part is dark green in color. It can be grown on cold days or in cool places.
- Broccoli Raab or Rabe: Broccoli rabe is also known as broccoli rob. It is leafy like spinach.
- Broccoflower: It looks less like broccoli and more like cauliflower. Its taste is also somewhat like that of cauliflower.
- Sprouting Broccoli: Its upper part is spread and it has many stalks.
- Gai-lan: It is also known as Chinese Broccoli. It is long and leafy and more nutritious than that of the normal broccoli.
- Purple Cauliflower: Purple cauliflower is also a type of broccoli. It is purple in color. It is used more in America and Europe.
Broccoli Nutritional Profile:
Per one cup (about 91 grams) of raw chopped broccoli contains:
- Calories: 30.9
- Total Carbohydrate: 6 gram
- Fiber: 2.4 gram
- Protein: 2.6 gram
- Vitamin A: 567 IU
- Vitamin C: 81.2 mg
- Vitamin E (Alpha Tocopherol): 0.7 mg
- Vitamin K9: 2.5 mcg
- Folate: 57.3 mcg
- Niacin: 0.6 mg
- Choline: 17 mg
- Calcium: 42.8 mg
- Iron: 0.7 mg
- Magnesium: 19.1 mg
- Phosphorus: 60.1 mg
- Potassium: 288 mg
- Sodium: 30 mg
- Zinc: 0.4 mg
- Selenium: 2.3 mcg
- Manganese: 0.2 mg
- Water: 81.3 gram
- Cholesterol: Zero
Health Benefits of Broccoli:

Now we are giving detailed information about the health benefits of eating broccoli here. However, let us make it clear that the properties of broccoli can reduce the risk and symptoms of diseases, but there is no cure for any serious health problem. In such a situation, seek medical help or advice for any serious illness. Broccoli benefits include:
1. Broccoli for A Healthy Heart:
To keep the body healthy, it is very necessary for the heart to be healthy. In such a situation, a nutritious broccoli can be a good choice for a healthy heart. According to a scientific research, broccoli contains elements such as selenium and glucosinolates. Both of these can help to keep a person’s heart healthy by increasing the amount of protein that keeps the heart healthy in the body.
Not only this, a research has confirmed that taking broccoli can also significantly reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. In such a situation, a person can include broccoli in his/her healthy diet chart to keep the heart healthy.
2. Broccoli for Weight Loss:
Broccoli is counted in the category of low glycemic foods, which can be helpful in controlling the amount of sugar in the blood. To lose weight, it is necessary to control the body’s response to insulin.
In addition, it promotes enzymes, which can help to detoxify the toxins from the body. Explain that by detoxing the body, along with losing weight, the risk of many diseases can also be reduced. (ALSO READ: 6 Best Detox Water Recipe for Weight Loss)
At the same time, broccoli has also been included in the weight balance or weight loss diet.
3. Benefits of Broccoli for Liver:
The benefits of broccoli can also be seen to prevent liver problems. A research in this subject confirms that the consumption of broccoli on a regular basis can not only reduce the risk of liver damage, but can also benefit in fatty liver problems. Also, the consumption of broccoli can be helpful in keeping the liver healthy.
Not only this, the anti-cancer and hepatoprotective properties present in broccoli can reduce the risk of liver disease and provide protection to the liver. So, for healthy liver it may be a good choice to include broccoli in the diet.
4. Broccoli in Cancer Prevention:
Broccoli intake can help prevent cancer to some extent. Broccoli contains a small amount of selenium which has anticancer properties.
In addition, it contains the glucoraphanin substance, which can turn into the anti-cancerous substance sulforaphane. Therefore, it can be considered effective in the prevention and treatment of many cancers such as breast, prostate, cervical and skin cancer.
Sulforaphane found in broccoli is a natural plant compound, which can reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s, heart disease, etc. by keeping the liver healthy.
According to experts, this compound can be destroyed by over-cooking or boiling the broccoli. So, it is better if broccoli is consumed by boiling it or steaming it lightly. Broccoli can also be consumed by sprouting.
At the same time, let us make it clear that cancer is a fatal disease, in such a situation it is necessary to give priority to medical treatment if someone has this health problem.
5. Broccoli for Healthy Bones and Teeth:
Calcium is one of the essential nutrients for strengthening bones and teeth. The body stores more than 99 percent of calcium in the bones and teeth and helps to make them strong.
At the same time, calcium is found in broccoli, which can be beneficial for bones and teeth health. In this case, it may be a good option to include broccoli in calcium-rich foods to prevent calcium deficiency.
6. Broccoli for A Healthy Brain:
Broccoli intake can be beneficial for the brain development. According to a research, broccoli contains alpha lipoic acid, which may help in the treatment of Alzheimer’s patients. A research conducted on the mice with Alzheimer’s showed an improvement in the memory of mice with alpha lipoic acid.
In another study, alpha lipoic acid was found to be effective in preventing cognitive dysfunction in Alzheimer’s patients. It can be assumed on this basis that broccoli may aid in strengthening memory. Therefore, do not forget to include broccoli in the diet.
7. Broccoli for Healthy Eyes:
Eyes are an essential part of our body and like the rest of the body, they also need nutrients. At the same time, there is no dearth of people whose eyes get spoiled at an early age. Even children wear glasses. In such a situation, broccoli can prove to be beneficial for them.
Broccoli contains nutrients such as lutein and zeaxanthin, which are considered to be one of the best nutrients for the eyes. It can protect the eyes from becoming weak. Indeed, they may reduce the risk of eye problems such as macular degeneration (age-related macular degeneration-weakening eyesight) and cataracts.
Not only this, broccoli has also been placed in the category of healthy diet for the eyes. In such a situation, to make the eyes healthy, make broccoli a part of your daily diet.
8. Benefits of Broccoli in The Pregnancy:
During pregnancy, the body needs adequate amount of nutrients. Calcium is also included in these nutrients. Calcium is necessary for healthy and strong bones of the baby. In such cases, pregnant women can also make broccoli as a part of their diet for calcium along with other foods.
Not only this, broccoli is also a good source of folate, vitamin C and vitamin K, which is one of the essential nutrients for pregnant women. However, keep in mind that not everyone’s health is the same in pregnancy, so be sure to consult a doctor once pregnant before consuming it. (ALSO READ: Pregnancy Food : What to Eat and What to Avoid During Pregnancy)
9. Broccoli for Body’s Detoxification:
Now—a—days people are mostly taking food outside. Some do it under compulsion, some do it due to hobbies, but by eating more outside things, toxic elements start accumulating in the body. This can lead to many physical health problems.
Consumption of broccoli increases the level of enzymes in the body, which can be helpful in flushing out the toxins from the body and detoxifying the body. Not only this, broccoli is rich in antioxidant properties, which can be helpful in detoxifying the body. Therefore, intake of broccoli can be beneficial to keep the body healthy.
10. In Digestion:
Broccoli intake can help in digestion to great extent. Actually, broccoli contains vitamin-A and high amount of fiber which can be helpful in improving digestion while maintaining gut health by softening the stools.
Not only this, consumption of broccoli can also protect against H. pylori bacteria causing ulcers. On this basis, broccoli can be included in the diet to remove digestive problems.
11. Broccoli for Diabetes:
The benefits of broccoli can also be seen here. Broccoli intake can also be beneficial in the problem of diabetes. According to a scientific research, broccoli has antioxidant properties, which may help reduce blood glucose and oxidative stress.
In addition, broccoli has anti-diabetic properties, which may reduce the risk of diabetes. In this case, it may be a good option to include broccoli in the diet chart for diabetes.
12. Broccoli for Metabolism:
Food can affect a person’s metabolic process. Not eating on time may have an effect on the metabolism process. Glucoraphanin is found in broccoli which can also help in protecting against diseases that occur with aging along with enhancing metabolic activity. (ALSO READ: How to Speed Up Slow Metabolism: 13-Day Metabolism Diet)
Along with this, broccoli comes in the name of cruciferous vegetables, which can be helpful in improving the metabolic process.
13. In Allergy:
Broccoli contains a flavonoid called quercetin, which has anti-allergic and antioxidant properties. Therefore, consumption of broccoli can help in protecting against allergies as well as strengthening the immune system and protecting the body from many viral diseases. Thus, the risk of asthma problem and other allergies can be reduced by the use of broccoli.
14. Broccoli for Increased Immunity:
Many people become ill as soon as the weather changes slightly. In such a situation, the consumption of green vegetables can be beneficial to improve immunity.
These include the name of nutritious broccoli. In fact, broccoli contains sulforaphane and vitamin C, which can help boost immunity. In such a situation, the consumption of broccoli can prevent diseases.

15. Helps Reduce Stress:
Broccoli intake may also reduce the risk of stress. According to a research, broccoli has been classified as anti-depressant food (foods that reduce symptoms of depression). In addition, broccoli contains a compound called sulforaphane which is known to have neuroprotective properties (effects that keep the brain healthy and safe).
In addition, folic acid is present in it, which is one of the important nutrients for the brain. In such cases, it may be a good option to include broccoli in the diet to keep the mood good and reduce the risk of stress.
16. Maintains pH Level of The Body:
If you want to keep the body healthy, then the pH level should be normal. To balance pH level, it is necessary to have a balance of acid and alkaline in the body, for which it is recommended to take an alkaline diet.
As such, broccoli can be included in the alkaline diet. Actually, broccoli is counted in alkaline food, which can help reduce the acidic content in the body and balance the pH level.
17. Helps Control Cholesterol:
Broccoli intake may be beneficial to reduce the risk of cholesterol. It contains glucoraphanin, fiber, and S-methyl cysteine sulfoxide (S-methyl cysteine sulfoxide), which can help reduce LDL cholesterol.
Therefore, it would not be wrong to say that consumption of broccoli can control cholesterol level.
18. Reduces the Effect of Aging:
It is common to see wrinkles on the face with increasing age. There are several remedies to prevent these wrinkles from growing rapidly, including broccoli vegetable.
Sulforaphane is found in broccoli, which can reduce the effect of aging. So, it can be said that the benefits of eating broccoli include reducing wrinkles and aging effect. (ALSO READ: 10 Best Anti-Aging Foods For Younger Looking Skin)
19. Broccoli for High Blood Pressure:
Broccoli can be used to control high blood pressure. According to a research, blood pressure can be reduced by making broccoli a part of the diet.
Research states that incorporating broccoli into the diet more than four times a week can significantly reduce the risk of hypertension or high blood pressure. (ALSO READ: High Blood Pressure : Causes, Risks and Recommended Diet Plan)
20. Benefits of Broccoli for Skin:
Consuming broccoli has benefits not only for health, but also for the skin. Its use can be beneficial for the problem of acne, fine lines and wrinkles.
In addition, we had already reported that broccoli can detoxify the body by removing toxic substances from the body. At the same time, detoxification can improve the skin.
21. Benefits of Broccoli for Hair:
Broccoli intake can also be beneficial in relieving hair problem. Indeed, broccoli contains nutrients such as magnesium, potassium, calcium, protein and vitamin-C, which can be useful for hair growth and keeping it healthy.
Vitamin B6 and vitamin C found in broccoli help stimulate the production of sebum, an oily substance secreted by the hair follicles. Sebum acts as a natural moisturizer and conditioner for your scalp and hair, which in turn prevents hair from becoming dry and frizzy. (ALSO READ: Top 10 Foods for Dull and Dry Hair)
In addition, the calcium present in broccoli strengthens hair follicles and prevents hair fall and thinning. For good hair growth and health, consume raw broccoli three or four times a week.
Therefore, along with home remedies for hair, intake of broccoli can also be useful, because healthy diet is also necessary for healthy hair.
How to Use Broccoli:

Of course, information about broccoli has been found in detail. But, if the method of making broccoli or the method of eating is correct, then you can grab more health benefits. Keeping this in mind, below we are talking about the use of broccoli, which are as follows:
- Broccoli can be eaten by making vegetable or curry.
- Can make broccoli raita.
- Broccoli can also be used in soups.
- Omelette can be made with broccoli.
- Broccoli can also be eaten by sprouting.
- Broccoli can also be eaten by boiling.
- It can also be made by mixing it with chicken and eggs.
- Broccoli salad can also be made. Fitness enthusiasts can use it as a salad.
- If broccoli is mixed with pasta and noodles, it not only enhances their taste, but also provides essential nutrients.
How to Choose Broccoli and Keep It Safe for A Long Time?
Broccoli should be purchased from vegetable market. Proteins and vitamins are found in plenty in fresh vegetables. In this way, the benefits of broccoli can be found more.
- While buying broccoli from a super market or any shop, keep in mind that its leaves are green and there is no insect in them.
- You can choose organic broccoli as it can be more beneficial for your health.
- Broccoli can be stored in the refrigerator for a day or two.
- Apart from this, broccoli can also be covered with cloth or kept in a paper bag so that there are no flies or insects sitting in it.
- Do not place the broccoli with other vegetables. eep it in a separate basket.
Side-Effects of Broccoli:
There is no doubt that the benefits of eating broccoli are many, but there can be some disadvantages due to its excessive intake. In this situation, as a precaution, we are going to provide information about the side-effects of broccoli here, so that people avoid excessive consumption of broccoli. Side-effects of broccoli include:
- Excessive consumption of broccoli can be harmful, as it has high fiber content. In this case, excessive intake can cause stomach problems.
- Some people may also be allergic to broccoli.
- Broccoli also counts in gas producing foods in the stomach. As we have already reported that broccoli contains fiber and fiber can cause flatulence and acidity.
Take Away
Now you must come to know the ultimate health benefits and uses of broccoli. The article also gives information about its side-effects, but there is no need to fear. These are stated as a precaution, so that it can be avoided by over-consumption.
Hope this article is useful for you. So now include broccoli in your diet as soon as possible and do not forget to share this article with others.
Q. How is broccoli grown?
A. Broccoli requires a lot of sunlight to grow. The easiest way to grow broccoli is to buy the plant from nursery and plant. However, this requires the right temperature and the correct process, so it is better to get information from the expert gardener this time.
Q. Why is the color of broccoli green?
A. Green vegetables have green pigments, called chlorophyll. This substance is also found in broccoli, due to which its color is green.
Q. Can broccoli be consumed daily?
A. Yes, broccoli can be consumed in limited quantity daily. But, it is better to do it two to three times a week as excessive intake of anything can be harmful. At the same time, sometimes you can make it a part of your diet as a broccoli salad to bring variety in food.
Q. How is broccoli beneficial for our body?
A. Broccoli benefits the body in many ways. It can help in protecting the body from heart disease to diabetes and many other diseases, about which detailed information is given in the article above.
Q. What better way to eat broccoli – raw or cooked?
A. How to consume broccoli depends entirely on the person’s choice. It can be consumed raw or cooked both ways. Although raw broccoli may contain a worm. So, always take broccoli only after cleaning it thoroughly with warm water.
Q. Is broccoli beneficial for the skin?
A. Yes, broccoli can be beneficial for the skin. Rich in antioxidants, vitamin-C, copper and zinc, broccoli can help keep the skin healthy. Including broccoli in the diet can help prevent skin problems such as acne, pigmentation, wrinkles etc. Also, the use of broccoli can cause the skin to glow.
Q. Is broccoli beneficial for hair growth?
A. Yes, the use of broccoli can also be useful for hair growth. Broccoli is rich in many nutrients and it can be believed that consumption of broccoli can help in hair growth.
Q. Which part of broccoli is most nutritious?
A. Broccoli flowers, stalks and leaves, all three have many nutritious ingredients. However, broccoli flowers have the most nutrients.
Q. How much broccoli can be consumed in a day?
A. Half to one cup of broccoli can be consumed daily. However, it depends on the age and health of the person. In such a situation, it would be better to consult a dietitian once to know about its quantity in the diet.
Q. Is broccoli good for liver?
A. A substance called sulforaphane, is found in broccoli which may help in preventing the problem of fatty liver. Also, the liver protection (hepatoprotective) is present.
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- Identification of Antioxidant Capacity -Related QTLs in Brassica oleracea; Tamara Sotelo, María Elena Cartea, Pablo Velasco, and Pilar Soengas; PMCID: PMC4157872. PMID: 25198771. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0107290.
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