Did you know strawberries are not fruits? Oh yes! Fragaria, popularly known as strawberries, belongs to the rose family, also known as Rosaceae. There are more than 10 species of strawberries in the world, and each has its own taste, size, and texture.
Now I know you are thinking what usefulness strawberries can be aside from a delicious treat. I assure you, the surprises will come one after the other. Strawberries not only can compensate for your desire for sweets, but they also provide many more health benefits.
From reducing blood pressure to preventing certain cancers, here are ten health benefits of strawberries:
Strawberry Nutrition:
Per 80 g serving of strawberries gives you:
- Energy: 26 Kcal
- Protein: 0.5 g
- Carbs: 4.9 g
- Fiber: 13 g
- Potassium: 136 mg
- Vitamin C: 46 mg
- Folate: 49 mcg
- Fat: 0.4 g
10 Health Benefits Of Strawberries:
1. Low In Calories:
Strawberries, a delicious low-calorie snack, are ideal for satisfying cravings with minimal guilt. These sweet berries make an undeniable replacement for calorie-dense dessert and snack items.
Interestingly, an 80-gram serving of strawberries amounts to only 24 calories. Such a calorically rare food is particularly suitable for anyone who wants to follow a low-calorie diet but does not want to renounce pleasant tastes.
Therefore, eating strawberries is like enjoying the aroma of their taste without feeling guilty.
2. May Support Heart Health:
Apart from their concentration in vibrant pigments, anthocyanidins, which give them their rich red color, are the most abundant in strawberries and provide protective benefits for your heart.
As powerful antioxidants in the body, they help stand inflammation, which is a pivotal risk factor for heart disease. The list of strawberries aiding heart health is not complete there; they are high in potassium and dietary fiber two nutrients critical to a sound heart.
Besides, potassium is essential for regulation of blood pressure as it diminishes the detrimental influences of sodium in the diet while fiber reduces blood cholesterol, further promoting heart health.
According to observational studies, regular berry consumption, including strawberries, leads to decreased mortality from heart causes.
3. May Regulate Blood Sugar:
An added benefit for those wary of their glucose value control is the vital role strawberries play in controlling blood sugar levels. Studies have shown that eating strawberries with a, high carbohydrate meal appear to moderate the body’s insulin response and slow down glucose digestion.
The reason for this difference is likely that anthocyanins influence the way our bodies absorbs and use glucose. This results in less fluctuation, providing an extra layer of protection against the highs and lows that usually accompany high carb meals.
As a means and ally in blood sugar management, this mechanism illustrates that strawberries are more than just a nutrient-dense food choice.
4. May Be Helpful For Those With Type-2 Diabetes:
Type-2 diabetes management might just uncover strawberries as a secret weapon owing to their high polyphenol content. Polyphenols are potent plant compounds with a range of health benefits. Ellagic acid and ellagitannins are among the compounds in question when it comes to strawberries and their role in diabetes.
The capacity of the compounds has catapulted them into the spotlight as researchers assess their ability to help regulate blood sugar. Even with the limited application and broad lack of human trials, the already-proven results in small tried are an encouraging sign. Patients with type-2 diabetes benefit from using strawberries to control their difficulties.
Strawberries’ flavor and overall nutrient profile make them an excellent ally in the larger dietary strategy for promoting blood sugar reduction . Therefore, in addition to being a delectable fruit, strawberries are also a strategic option for those attempting to alleviate some of type-2 diabetes’ effects previously.
5. May Help Manage Blood Pressure:
Given their richness in potassium, folate, and vitamin C strawberries can work as natural allies in the regulation of blood pressure. Particularly, the presence of potassium is essential, as it helps offset the adverse effects of sodium on the body, contributing to a healthy reduction in blood pressure.
Folate, in turn, supports vascular function, while vitamin C boosts the impact of strawberries and serves as a potent antioxidant, which helps improve cardiovascular wellbeing.
By incorporating strawberries into your diet, you can access these nutrients rich in heart-friendly elements and realize the benefits of strawberries for blood pressure.
6. May Help Weight Management:
Apart from that, strawberries are unique in terms of weight control, their low glycemic index allows blood sugars to be released more slowly, which in turn helps to keep appetite under control and reduce hunger spikes.
Moreover, in combination with fiber, which most of these fruits contain, strawberries can help maintain a feeling of fullness longer and reduce overall calorie intake.
Including them in the diet, rich in low-GI products, these berries will not only contribute to weight control but also reduce the risk of developing obesity-related diseases, which makes them a real find on the way to a healthy weight.
7. Help Reduce Joint Pain:
The fact that strawberries impact anti-inflammatory factors represents that they are more than a delightful explosion of sweetness – they may well be the excellent starting solution for individuals struggling with joint issues such as osteoarthritis.
It has been established that consuming a drink made from 50g of freeze-dried strawberries daily reduces pain and inflammation . This reduction was especially noticeable in obese adults throughout a 12-week examination.
Therefore, strawberries consumption might be an effective technique for alleviating joint pain.
8. May Support Brain Function:
Strawberries are not only a pleasure to eat but are beneficial for brain health, thanks to the flavonoids they contain. These plant chemicals are essential for reducing inflammation in the brain, which is particularly important as we get older.
According to studies, eating strawberries regularly may help slow memory decline and may even reduce the risk of developing a fast-growing Alzheimer’s disease in older people. Therefore, adding them to your diet for long-term brain health is ideal.
9. May Support Gut Health:
High polyphenols and fiber content make strawberries particularly a “dynamic couple” when it comes to gut health. It acts as prebiotic, which means that they feed the growth of “good” Bifidobacteria in the digestive tract.
This may be the most important benefit of strawberries. Eating a lot of strawberries on a regular basis can be a delightful way to improve gut health as it helps good bacteria flourish in the gut, promoting a smooth digestion process.
10. May Be Cancer Protective:
Indeed, strawberries have a potential to contribute to the prevention of cancer – their high content of polyphenols, which include ellagic acid and ellagitannins, has already been proven to inhibit the cell line in animal experiments.
While more human studies are needed to establish reliable evidence, current data demonstrates a substantial potential in the use of this dietary source to protect humans from cancer development.
Are Strawberries Safe For Everyone To Eat?
Although most people choose strawberries for their taste or health benefits, they are not safe for everyone. Strawberries are known to cause food allergies, especially for young children. In other words, if one has an allergy to birch pollen or apples, one will be more likely to get a secondary strawberry food allergy.
In such cases, it is better to avoid the berries and prevent a disease. In addition to special types of allergies, strawberries contain natural chemicals known as salicylates, which can be found in other types of fruits or apples, peaches, and avocados. It is likely that some individuals may have a specific sensitivity to salicylates, which, when consumed, can manifest in the form of rashes swelling.
People with known salicylates sensitivities should also be cautious with their strawberry consumption. Additionally, strawberries contain goitrogens, chemicals that interfere with proper thyroid function. People with thyroid problems may need to be mindful of their strawberry intake to prevent further disruption of their thyroid health.
Finally, high histamine levels in strawberries make them a poor selection for people with histamine intolerance. Intake of products high in histamine might cause discomfort or allergic responses.
As a result, while strawberries are beneficial to many, they might need to be used with caution or completely avoided. It is always crucial to be aware of one’s dietary sensitivities as well as health conditions when incorporating strawberries, or any other food, into one’s diet.
Strawberries are not only an appetizing treat but may also profit your heart, stabilize your blood glucose, and potentially help you avoid various forms of cancer. Furthermore, since they are low in calories and have a minimal GI, they may be a clever approach to eat sweet treats while watching your weight.
Strawberries have a slew of health-promoting chemicals that not only assist guard against type-2 diabetes but also promote brain function, a healthy gut, and joint comfort. Adding strawberries to your dietary habits offers you a plethora of nutritional advantages, preserving the idea that strawberries are more than just a guilty pleasure.
When you pick strawberries, you are not simply enjoying a tasty treat; you are also making a smart choice about your future.