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5 Unexpected health benefits of jicama (yambean)

Jicama (yambean)

Jicama (yambean) is an incredibly delicious and nutritious root vegetable that is often overlooked in the United States. Not only is it packed with essential vitamins and minerals, but its crunchy texture and sweet flavor make it a great addition to many dishes.

Jicama is low in calories, high in fiber, and has a host of health benefits that make it well worth adding to your regular meal rotation. In this blog post, we’ll explore why you should be eating more jicama and how to incorporate it into your diet. In addition, you will also know about nutrition value of jicama, it benefits and side-effects.

What is jicama?

Jicama, also known as Mexican turnip or yambean, is a root vegetable that originated in Mexico. It’s round and slightly oblong in shape with a thin, papery brown skin, and a crunchy white flesh that can range in flavor from sweet to starchy.

It’s a low calorie, nutrient-dense food that’s high in fiber, potassium, vitamin C and antioxidants. The most popular way to eat jicama is raw, usually added to salads and salsas.

It can also be cooked or used as a substitute for potatoes in many recipes. It can be used in a variety of dishes.

Jicama (yambeam) nutrition value:

One cup of sliced jicama (raw) provides:

  • Calories: 45.6 (2% DV)
  • Carbohydrate: 10.6 g (4% DV)
  • Fiber: 5.9 g (24% DV)
  • Protein: 0.9 g (2% DV)
  • Vitamin A: 25.2 IU (1% DV)
  • Vitamin C: 24.2 mg (40% DV)
  • Vitamin E: 0.6 mg (3% DV)
  • Vitamin K: 0.4 mcg (0% DV)
  • Niacin: 0.2 mg (1% DV)
  • Vitamin B6: 0.1 mg (3% DV)
  • Folate: 14.4 mcg (4% DV)
  • Calcium: 14.4 mg (1% DV)
  • Iron: 0.7 mg (4% DV)
  • Magnesium: 14.4 mg (4% DV)
  • Phosphorus: 21.6 mg (2% DV)
  • Potassium: 180 mg (5% DV)
  • Sodium: 4.8 mg (0% DV)
  • Zinc: 0.2 mg (1% DV)
  • Copper: 0.1 mg (3% DV)
  • Manganese: 0.1 mg (4% DV)
  • Selenium: 0.8 mcg (1% DV)
  • Water: 108 g

Health benefits of jicama (yambeam):

Health benefits of jicama (yambeam) include:

1. Jicama is low in calories:

Jicama is a great option for anyone looking to lose weight or just maintain a healthy diet. The root vegetable has a low calorie count, making it an ideal snack choice for those who are counting their calories. One cup of jicama cubes has just 46 calories, so you can enjoy it guilt-free!

This makes jicama a great option for people trying to follow a calorie-controlled diet. Furthermore, jicama also contains high levels of dietary fiber, which helps fill you up without adding extra calories. So, if you’re looking for a low calorie snack, look no further than jicama!

2. Jicama is a good source of fiber:

Fiber is an important nutrient for your overall health and well-being, and jicama is a great way to get some of it into your diet. Jicama contains about 6 grams of dietary fiber per cup, which is about 25% of the daily recommended value.

This high fiber content makes jicama a great choice for people looking to boost their intake of this important nutrient. The type of fiber found in jicama is called insoluble fiber. Insoluble fiber is not broken down or absorbed by the body, instead passing through the digestive system mostly intact.

This type of fiber helps promote regularity, as well as helping to increase stool bulk and reduce constipation. It can also help to reduce the risk of certain types of cancer.

In addition to these benefits, fiber can also help you feel fuller longer, which may help you consume fewer calories throughout the day and aid in weight loss. So if you’re looking for a healthy snack option that will help you stay full, adding some jicama to your diet could be a great choice.

3. Jicama helps regulate blood sugar levels:

Jicama is low in calories, a good source of fiber, high in antioxidants, and can even help improve your gut health. Another great benefit of eating jicama is that it helps regulate blood sugar levels.

Jicama is low in sugar and is an excellent source of slow-digesting carbohydrates, which helps reduce spikes in blood sugar. In addition, jicama is a good source of dietary fiber, which can help slow down the absorption of sugar in the bloodstream.

Eating jicama regularly can be beneficial for those with diabetes or other blood sugar issues. It is also beneficial for those trying to lose weight, as it is low in calories and will keep you feeling full for longer periods of time.

So if you’re looking to improve your overall health, adding jicama to your diet is a great choice. Not only is it low in calories, it’s also packed with nutrients and can help regulate blood sugar levels.

4. Jicama is high in antioxidants:

Jicama is a powerhouse of antioxidants!

It contains a variety of vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C, beta-carotene, and selenium. These nutrients help protect your cells from damage caused by free radicals.

The presence of these antioxidants can help keep your body functioning at its best and help reduce the risk of chronic diseases. Jicama is also a good source of vitamin A, which helps to promote healthy skin and vision.

Antioxidants are also essential for fighting off harmful bacteria and viruses, as well as reducing inflammation. Eating jicama regularly can give your body an extra boost of these powerful nutrients.

5. Jicama may help improve gut health:

Eating jicama can help improve your gut health in several ways. First, jicama is a good source of dietary fiber, which helps promote regularity and can reduce the symptoms of digestive disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome.

Second, jicama contains prebiotic fibers which help nourish the beneficial bacteria in your gut, promoting the growth of healthy bacteria. Third, jicama is rich in antioxidants which help reduce inflammation and can reduce symptoms of gastrointestinal conditions such as Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis.

Finally, jicama is a natural source of probiotics, beneficial bacteria which can help improve your digestion and boost your immunity. Eating jicama is an easy and delicious way to improve your overall health, including your gut health.

For best results, be sure to choose fresh, ripe jicama and enjoy it raw or lightly cooked in order to maximize its beneficial nutrients.

What does jicama taste like?

Jicama has a unique taste that is hard to describe. It has a crunchy texture similar to that of an apple or pear, but it also has a nutty, sweet flavor. It’s slightly sweet, with notes of lemon, cucumber, and a hint of pepper.

It can be eaten raw or cooked in recipes, depending on your preference. Raw jicama is usually milder in taste and can be added to salads or even eaten as a snack.

When cooked, the flavors are intensified and can be used to make a delicious side dish or an interesting addition to stir-fries. No matter how you prepare it, jicama offers a delicious and healthy treat.

What is jicama good for?

Jicama is an incredibly nutritious root vegetable that is packed with essential vitamins and minerals. It is a good source of fiber, which can help support digestive health, lower cholesterol, and regulate blood sugar levels.

Additionally, jicama is a rich source of vitamin C, which helps support immune health and is necessary for the production of collagen. This veggie also contains high amounts of folate, potassium, magnesium, iron, and calcium.

The crunchy texture of jicama makes it a great addition to salads, as it adds a pleasant crunch without adding too many calories. It can also be used as a low-calorie snack when sliced and dipped in hummus or guacamole.

Jicama is also popularly used in Mexican cuisine, where it can be pickled and added to tacos, burritos, or salads. Finally, jicama can be cooked and used in soups and stews to add a unique flavor and texture.

Jicama side effects:

When it comes to eating jicama, there are very few side effects to worry about. As with any food, however, it is possible to experience some unpleasant reactions when eating it.

Common side effects include gas and bloating, as well as an allergic reaction in some cases.
Gas and bloating are the most common side effect of eating jicama. This is because it contains a type of fiber known as Fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS) which is known to cause digestive issues for some people.

If you experience gas or bloating after eating jicama, it’s best to reduce your intake and/or substitute it for other healthy sources of fiber.

In some cases, an allergic reaction to jicama may also occur. Symptoms may include rash, hives, difficulty breathing, and/or swelling of the face, lips, tongue, or throat. If you experience any of these symptoms after consuming jicama, seek medical attention immediately.

How to eat jicama?

Eating jicama is incredibly simple, and you can use it in many ways to bring some crunchy texture to your meal. Here are some of the best ways to eat jicama:

  • Raw: Jicama can be eaten raw, either alone or with other ingredients. It has a slightly sweet and nutty flavor that works well in salads, slaws, and as a snack. You can also add it to dips and salsas to give them some crunch.
  • Cooked: Jicama can also be cooked, either on its own or with other ingredients. Roasted jicama is delicious, and can be used as a side dish or added to stir fries, soups, stews, and curries.
  • Pickled: Jicama can be pickled for a tangy flavor that pairs well with other vegetables. Pickled jicama is delicious served as a condiment alongside tacos or burritos, or added to salads and sandwiches.
  • Fried: Fried jicama is a great way to add crunch to any dish. You can fry it on its own as a side dish, or add it to sandwiches, salads, and more.
  • Grilled: Grilled jicama is another great way to cook it. Grilled jicama makes a great addition to tacos and burritos, and can also be used as a topping for salads and other dishes.

How to store jicama?

When it comes to storing jicama, you want to make sure you store it correctly to ensure its freshness and longevity. To begin, jicama should be stored in a cool and dry place, such as the refrigerator. If you plan on consuming the jicama within a few days, it can be stored on your kitchenware counter.

Once the jicama is cut, it should be wrapped in plastic wrap or aluminum foil and stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator. It can last up to a week this way. When buying pre-cut jicama, check for signs of spoilage before purchasing, such as browning, shriveling, or mold.

To make the jicama last longer, you can also freeze it. Simply cut the jicama into cubes or slices and store them in a resealable bag or airtight container. The frozen jicama can last up to six months when stored properly.

By storing jicama correctly, you can enjoy this delicious and nutritious root vegetable for weeks or even months. Be sure to check for signs of spoilage before eating and always wash your hands after handling jicama to avoid cross-contamination.


Jicama is a nutritious, crunchy root vegetable that is native to Mexico and Central America. It is gaining more popularity in other parts of the world due to its unique flavor and health benefits. Jicama is rich in dietary fiber, low in calories, and contains essential vitamins and minerals. The health benefits of jicama range from aiding digestion to providing anti-inflammatory properties. Jicama is normally considered safe to consume. However, it is important to be aware of potential side effects and adjust your diet accordingly if needed.


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