Everyone definitely feels depressed once in their lifetime for a few days. In most cases, this sadness resolves on its own over time, but in some cases it takes such a severe form that everyday tasks begin to be affected. Then, the person becomes a victim of depression. Over time, this problem is rapidly engulfing people. For this reason, in this article, we have brought information about depression. Here, we will explain the causes, symptoms and treatment of depression as well as home remedies to treat depression and anxiety.
What is Depression?
Depression is a type of mood disorder. If you understand this in easy language, then this is the situation when a person feels very sad and depressed. Most people sometimes feel sad and lonely in their life, but when this sadness, frustration or anger persists for weeks, it is called depression. According to a survey, symptoms of depression are more common in women.
Types of Depression:
It is important to know the type of depression to be sure of its treatment. For this reason, here we are talking about the type of depression:
a) Unipolar Depression:
This is the most common form of depression. The initial symptoms of such depression include feeling lonely, tired and depressed for at least two weeks. During this time one feels that there is no motivation left in his/her life. In unipolar depression, people may have difficulty sleeping and reduced appetite.
b) Bipolar Disorder:
In this type of depression, the mood of the patient varies. In one moment he suffers the symptoms of severe depression, and in the second he starts feeling energetic. Sometimes he is filled with confidence and sometimes starts living imaginary life.
c) Dysthymia:
In this stage, the patient starts feeling unstable and depressed, but this does not affect everyday life so much. Its symptoms change from day to day and can last for about two years.
d) Seasonal Affective Disorder:
This type of patient suffers from depression in particular seasons, such as autumn and winter. Depression symptoms appear due to lack of light in this season, which begin to heal on their own by the spring season.
e) Postnatal Depression:
This is the type of depression that is seen in some women after delivery. Sometimes this condition becomes so severe that it becomes difficult for the mother to take care of her child.
At the same time, she begins to realize that the people around her do not understand her. Due to such a situation, the mother starts feeling guilty.
f) Major Depression:
In this state, a feeling of sadness, despair or anger remains in the patient for a long time. It also appears to affect his physical functioning.
Symptoms of Depression:

Symptoms of depression may include:
- Mostly sad or irritated mind
- Lack of sleep or too much sleep
- Loss of appetite or more hunger
- Tiredness
- Lack of energy
- Think of yourself as unworthy
- Lack of concentration
- Decreased activity and avoiding normal activities
- Feeling hopeless or helpless
- Constant thoughts of death or suicide
- Reduction in all the activities that make one feel happy in life
Causes of Depression:
According to a scientific research, the cause of depression is still not clear. It is believed that various circumstances may be responsible behind this. These include biological factors, psychological factors or any event in one’s life. Here we are referring to the conditions that can be attributed to it:
Heredity: If someone in the family has or had depression, there may be a risk of depression.
Experiencing A Difficult Situation: A person can go into depression due to any misbehavior, humiliation or even death of someone in life.
Anxiety: Depression can occur if someone is living in anxiety or has an anxiety disorder since childhood.
Physical Medical Problems: There may be an increased risk of depression due to stroke, heart attack, cancer or thyroid problems.
Biochemical Changes: In the event of depression, the process of metabolism is different, as well as the delivery of nerve signals is slowed. Chemical messengers and hormonal changes can also cause depression.
Lack of Light: Due to being dark for a long time in nature during autumn or winter, one can also has depression problem.
Difficult Conditions in The Life: Being constantly under stress or feeling lonely can also lead to depression.

DIY Homemade Remedies for Depression:
Here we are going to mention some home remedies, which can be helpful in reducing the symptoms of depression. We also want to make it clear that the home remedies for depression mentioned in the article are not a panacea treatment of depression in any way. This can only reduce its symptoms. So, let us know further which home remedies can help in the treatment of depression.
1. Cashews for Depression:
Material Required:
- 4 to 6 pieces of cashew nuts
How to Use:
- Grind cashews and add its powder to milk.
- Mix it well in the milk and drink it.
Cashew can be used as a home remedy to relieve depression. A research related to this suggests that the consumption of cashew nuts can help in beating depression. According to the research, it is helpful in improving mood as well as stabilizing thoughts.
For this, the fiber, minerals, vitamins and phytochemicals present in cashew are considered beneficial. This is the reason that people consume cashew nuts to reduce the symptoms of depression.
2. Yogurt:
Material Required:
- A bowl of yogurt
How to Use:
- Include yogurt in food
- If you wish, you can make fruit yogurt or lassi and drink it.
According to a scientific study, the benefits of yogurt can also be seen to reduce the symptoms of depression. Yogurt can help reduce depression by increasing the levels of serotonin hormone in the body. Serotonin hormone is known to improve mood.
Research states that exercising along with yogurt is more effective for depression. On this basis, it may be beneficial to include yogurt in the diet as a home remedy for depression.
3. Apple:
Material Required:
- One apple
How to Use:
- You can consume apples on your own or as a fruit salad.
Apples can also be consumed for the treatment of depression at home. Yes, fruits are considered good for mental health, one of which is apple. A research has also said that consuming raw fruits can also help improve mental health and reduce the symptoms of depression. These fruits also include the name of apple.
4. Papaya:
Material Required:
- Papaya
How to Use:
- You can eat it as raw or papaya can be mixed with other fruits and eaten as a salad.
- If you want, you can make papaya juice and drink it.
Papaya fruit can also play a vital role in beating depression because it has anti-depressant effect, which may prove helpful in reducing the symptoms of depression.
Indeed, papaya is considered good for depression due to the antioxidant effects present in it. This is the reason why some people call papaya as a sure cure for depression.
5. Ginger:
Material Required:
- A small piece of ginger
How to Use:
- You can drink ginger by adding it to tea.
- Also ginger can be used in vegetables and chutneys.
Depression can also be treated to some extent using ginger. This is confirmed by a research related to this. Research suggests that ginger can be used to treat various diseases including depression. On this basis, it would not be wrong to say that ginger can prove to be an effective alternative as a home remedy to relieve depression.
6. Fennel:
Material Required:
- Fennel
How to Use:
- Fennels can be consumed after eating food.
Fennel (aniseed), used as a mouth freshener, can also be effective in reducing the symptoms of depression. One research has reported that fennel has an anti-depressant effect, which may prove to be largely effective in reducing symptoms of depression.
7. Peppermint Oil:
Material Required:
- Peppermint oil (0.3 milliliter)
- Normal water (2 milliliter)
How to Use:
- First of all take saline water in a pot.
- Now add peppermint oil to it and smell it.
The benefits of peppermint oil can be seen here. One research confirms that peppermint oil can prove effective in relieving depression as well as anxiety symptoms. Given this fact, peppermint oil can be considered a panacea for depression.
8. Salmon:
Material Required:
- Salmon fish
How to Use:
- Salmon is eaten by frying or making curries.
- Apart from this, you can roast or steam the fish and eat it.
Research suggests that salmon fish contains omega-3 fatty acids. This fatty acid can help to increase brain function as well as improve mood, which may help reduce the symptoms of depression. This is the reason why the use of salmon fish is considered beneficial for the treatment of depression.
Diet Chart for Depression:
For the treatment of any disease, it is necessary to follow the right diet. For this reason, here we are talking about the consumption of such foods during depression, which can prove to be beneficial. Let us know what to eat in depression:
- Whole grains
- Fresh fruits and vegetables
- Lentils
- Fish
- Olive oil
- Low fat dairy products
- Antioxidant rich foods
- Meat
- Magnesium and folic acid-rich foods
- Foods rich in vitamin B6 and B12
Treatment of Depression:

Depression can be treated both by medication and counselling. If the initial symptoms of depression are not reduced through these means, then your doctor may take other treatment depending on the condition of the patient. Depression treatments may include:
a) Medication:
Medicines used to treat depression are known as antidepressants. As a medicine for depression, doctors can give anti-depression medications. With the help of these medicines, symptoms of depression such as sleep problems (insomnia), loss of appetite and concentration can be improved within 4 to 8 weeks.
b) Counselling (Psychotherapy):
Talk therapy or counselling can also be used to ensure depression. Through this, depressed people are taught a new way of thinking and behaving. There is also an attempt to change their habits. There are two types of psychotherapy involved:
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): It attempts to improve the patient’s anxious feelings.
Inter Personal Therapy (IPT): It focuses on life events. Its main goal is to connect the patient with the society.
c) Brain Stimulation Therapy:
When the above-mentioned treatments do not work, doctors may recommend brain stimulation therapy. In this therapy, the brain is directly coupled to electric or magnetic waves.
d) Ayurvedic Medicines:
Ayurvedic treatment of depression can also be done with the help of some herbs. According to a research, lavender, passion flower (passiflora), and saffron have anti-depressant effects. In such a situation, Ayurvedic physicians may recommend using them as an Ayurvedic medicine for depression for the treatment of depression.
Risks and Complications:

It is also important to know the risk factors and complications of depression. So, let’s start:
Risk Factors:
The risk factors for depression are as follows:
- Some neurodegenerative diseases (especially Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease), seizure problems, stroke, multiple sclerosis (immune system problems), eye-related disease, cancer and chronic pain can be the risk factors for depression.
- Some life events and problems can be prone to depression.
- Apart from these, death of a loved one, lack of respect in the society, financial problems, fighting with someone or dispute can become a risk of depression.
Depression Complications:
Depressed people may have to face some complications, such as:
- Risk of physical health problems
- Asthma
- Suicide attempt
- A teenager with depression may be obese
- Arterial disease
- Use of alcohol or other illegal substances
Prevention Tips for Depression:
Depression can be prevented to some extent with the help of some precautions; including:
- Exercise regularly
- Just walking for 30 minutes a day can improve mood
- Consume healthy diet
- Do what the mind likes to do
- Make a list of what you need to do and follow it
- Try to connect with new people
- Talk to people you trust
- Sleep and wake up at the right time
Take Away
Depression is a serious problem that can affect the entire life of a person. Here we have explained the symptoms, causes as well as home remedies to relieve depression. Apart from these, food items have also been discussed, which can help prevent depression from becoming severe. With all these information, you can help yourself or someone close to depression.
Very helpful content…thanks for share!!
Thank you.