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5 Signs You Might Not Be Eating Enough Protein

5 Signs You Might Not Be Eating Enough Protein (Protein Deficiency)

Protein is an essential macronutrient and plays an important part in maintaining overall wellness. As it is the substance that forms the basis of tissues, muscles, enzymes, hormones and antibodies, various bodily functions could not be performed without it. However, many people may not be eating enough protein in their diets, which can result in a wide range of health problems. There are 5 signs you might not be eating enough protein (protein deficiency):

1. Muscle Loss:

Protein’s first function is to support muscle growth, maintenance and repair. If you don’t take in enough protein, your body may begin to tear down muscle tissue in order to meet the body’s protein requirement. The consequences can include weak muscle strength and less muscle mass. If you’re experiencing unexplained muscle weakness, physical deflation, this advice comes from anywhere you need to keep an eye on your protein intake.

2. Slow Recovery From Injuries:

Protein is essential for repairing and regenerating tissue — including that of injuries suffered while training. Without adequate supplies of this nutrient, it may take longer to heal injuries during exercise or accidents and you will spend days-or even weeks-suffering from soreness. Slow recovery from injuries or lingering muscle ache in the wake of exercise can be signals that protein intake is inadequate.

3. Hair, Skin, And Nails:

Protein is essential to healthy hair, skin and nails. If too little protein is consumed, it may lead to hair that breaks easily from lack of moisture, skin is dry and chaps in the wintertime nails that are weak or splitting at even short lengths. When the appearance or texture of your hair, skin and nails alters certainly it’s a sign that protein intake needs a boost for health productiveness.

4. Weak Immunity:

In the operation of the immune system, proteins play an important role because they help to generate antibodies and give us protection against infections and diseases. If you fail to have enough protein, your immunity will decline and your body will be more easily invaded by infections and other diseases. If you frequently get sick or find that it takes a long time for common ailments to heal, an insufficient protein intake may be one reason for this weakness.

5. Persistent Hunger And Cravings:

Protein gives people a feeling of fullness and satisfaction. It helps control one’s appetite to reduce the number of times a craving for harmful foods erupts. If you are not consuming enough protein in your diet, it could mean constant hunger even for meals you’ve just eaten. You may eat too many calories, those that lack nutrients and are full of junk when this happens. That is likely to lead not only overweight but also poor nutrition.

If you have any of the above symptoms, the content of your diet should be considered and whether enough protein-rich foods are being consumed taken into consideration. Good sources of protein may include — lean meat, poultry or fish, eggs, dairy products, legumes, nuts, and seeds. Mixing a variety of these items into your regular diet can make up for the body’s protein needs.

Furthermore, if you are not able to get enough protein through your diet (protein deficiency), you may want to consider adding protein supplements to your routine or consult a registered dietitian for tailored advice.


Protein is an essential nutrient for the body’s health and well-being. Understand the symptoms of inadequate intake of proteins then deal with it according to some sort of method. Make sure to get food-rich in proteins into your meals and you will not only be able to maintain your muscle health, but immune functioning will also improve, giving rise to overall vitality necessary for good health.


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