It is high in carbohydrates, but low in protein, fat, dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients.
Studies reveal that long-term consumption of white rice can lead to increased risks of diabetes, stroke and cardiovascular disease.
Here are some potential side effects of eating white rice that you probably don't know!
1. The stomach may fill with air and cause bloating.
2. The kidneys will be overworked as they try to process all the excess water in the body.
3. White rice contains high levels of phytic acid which hinders mineral absorption in the gut and prevents us from absorbing iron, zinc, calcium and magnesium.
4. It causes an increase in insulin production which spikes blood sugar levels. It also inhibits serotonin production which can lead to depression.
5. A diet high in white rice has been linked to type-2 diabetes due to its higher glycemic index than other whole grains.
6. Consuming excessive amounts of white rice is linked to hypothyroidism.
7. White rice may lead to weight gain. It also stores fat in the body.
So, if you're looking to improve your health, you might want to switch to brown rice or another whole grain.