Beta-carotene is a pigment found in plants that gives them their yellow, orange, and red colors.
Vegetables such as carrots, pumpkins, squash, and sweet potatoes are all rich sources of beta-carotene.
When consumed on a regular basis it can help reduce the risk of lung cancer and heart disease.
As well as, it wards off eye disease such as cataracts and macular degeneration.
They are antioxidants, which means they help protect your cells from damage.
They also play a role in immune function and help keep your skin healthy.
Research has shown that people who eat the most carotenes have the lowest risk of developing cancer.
If you are not getting enough carotenes through food, you might want to talk with your doctor.
They might suggest you vitamin supplement containing beta-carotene or other carotenes.
Ask your doctor about adding prebiotics and probiotics to your diet.
Carotenes are found in a variety of foods, but are especially concentrated in dark, leafy greens and other colorful fruits and vegetables.
Some examples include carrots, squash, spinach, kale, tomatoes, and red peppers.
To maximize the absorption of carotenes from your food, try to eat some fat with it.
Olive oil is best for this because it’s an unsaturated fat that doesn’t cause inflammation in the body.
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